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You open the doors, your tuesday routine

You plug in your Laptop, start the coffee machine

You feel like you must apologize to her, let her know you care

You feel like you must apologize to your kids, 'cause you're not there

Leisure time, it is ok

Leisure time, what to do with the rest of today

You finish your cup, you're ready to run

You're checking the queue for things undone

You feel like you've to apologize for the delay, you did not get much sleep

You feel like you've to apologize for everything, because you have needs

Leisure time, it is ok

Leisure time, what to do with the rest of today

Leisure time, it is ok

Leisure time, what to do with the rest of today

T&M © 2009 Malte Brill. Additional programming and mixed by Rob Dust

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